Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino - Redondela, Pontevedra

Dirección: Estrada Alto do Soutoxuste, nº45, 36810 Redondela, Pontevedra, España.
Teléfono: 617292598.

Especialidades: Albergue.

Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 286 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 4.8/5.

Ubicación de Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino

Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino es un acogedor y cálido refugio ubicado en la pintoresca localidad de Redondela, Pontevedra, en España. Con su dirección en Estrada Alto do Soutoxuste, nº45, es un lugar ideal para los peregrinos que recorren el Camino Portugués.

Este albergue, con el teléfono de contacto 617292598, se especializa en brindar un alojamiento cómodo y acogedor para aquellos que buscan descanso y hospitalidad durante su travesía.

Con Albergue como su principal especialidad, O Recuncho do Peregrino destaca por su atención personalizada y ambiente familiar. Los peregrinos suelen elogiar la calidez del lugar, así como la limpieza y comodidad de sus instalaciones.

En cuanto a opiniones, esta empresa cuenta con 286 valoraciones en Google My Business, con una impresionante Opinión media de 4.8 sobre 5. Esto refleja la satisfacción y el aprecio que los visitantes han expresado hacia el albergue.

Para aquellos que buscan un lugar para descansar y recargar energías en medio de su viaje, Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino es una excelente opción. Su ubicación estratégica en el Camino Portugués y su reputación por brindar un servicio de calidad lo convierten en una parada imperdible para los peregrinos.

Si estás planeando tu próximo viaje y buscas un lugar acogedor donde hospedarte en Redondela, no dudes en contactar con Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino. Visita su página web para más información y asegura tu reserva en este encantador lugar

Opiniones de Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino

Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino - Redondela, Pontevedra

I felt so welcome here that I have to write a positive review!||||Ok, the road at the front is a pain in the neck. But if you are lucky to get a room at the back there will be nothing to complain about!||||Before check in we could sit down on a couch and got a free bottle of water each. The double room was simple but clean, shared bathroom a bit old but perfectly clean. Kitchen extremely well equipped, better than at home! Breakfast more than satisfying. We even got our laundry done by Miguel. In the garden you can lie in the hammock with an amazing view! ||||Why do I recommend you should not miss to stay here? Because Miguel is the perfect host and loves what he does!

Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino - Redondela, Pontevedra
Catherine O

We were fortunate to stay at this albergue last Saturday 16 June. Miguel is a fantastic host and makes great coffee. 10 euros per night and 2.50 for breakfast. Nice garden with hammock for relaxing and good laundry facilities. There are 2 restraunts nearby and Miguel stocks a good supply of food which you can buy. We bought pizzas and cooked them and enjoyed a chilled evening chatting with fellow pereginos. There are two tiny beaches nearby which are charming and great for dipping tired pilgrim feet. A great experience which we cherish and highly recommend.

Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino - Redondela, Pontevedra
Megan H

Miguel was an amazing host, we arrived early and he let us leave our backpacks and offered us coffee and tea. When we checked in he offered us cold water and carried our bags to our room. The albergue is very clean and has a very good kitchen and lovely communal area. Miguel offered us a private room for the same cost as a standard bed and it was the best nights sleep I have had so far on the Camino Portuguese. ||||This albergue is situated aside a fairly busy road which runs through Arcade but you wouldn't know it when you're inside, very tranquil and has beautiful views from the garden. ||||I can't recommend this albergue enough!

Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino - Redondela, Pontevedra
Beatriz N

Teníamos reservada una habitación para dormir una noche mientras hacíamos el Camino De Santiago. Llegamos antes de la hora de entrada, y aún así Miguel, una persona encantadora, nos dejó entrar, beber y ducharnos después de una etapa agotadora. ||El trato fue increíble. Nos hizo sentir mejor que en casa. Además, está en un sitio precioso, con vistas a la ría, en la que pudimos hasta bañarnos del buen tiempo que hacía. Las habitaciones son amplias, las camas cómodas, y los baños (como todo lo demás) están limpios y hay de sobra para todos los huéspedes.||Miguel nos explicó durante nuestra estancia cuál era la filosofía con la que lleva el recuncho, y sólo podemos esperar que tenga mucho éxito en el camino.||Un sitio que sin duda recomendaremos.|

Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino - Redondela, Pontevedra
Robin Kolberg

Miguel is a wonderful host. He greeted us at the door with a big welcoming smile and put a cold bottle of water into our hands and proceeded to carry our packs up to our room. The place is very well maintained with a lounge area and full kitchen, private showers. Beds are very comfortable and we had a room to ourselves overlooking the bay. Our initial concern about the proximity to the main road from a nous perspective was dispelled as we found the place very quite inside. He has a small shop serving a variety of items to eat. He also referred us to an Italian restaurant 100m up the road which was very good. Had an excellent night's sleep. Highly recommended stay over.

Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino - Redondela, Pontevedra

A great albergho with everything one might need fort a pleasant stopover on the Camino. Miguel the host could not be more helpful and kind and keeps the place super clean. He also keeps a well stocked cupboard of food which we raided so we could cook ourselves a fabulous dinner in the well equipped kitchen. Perfect!

Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino - Redondela, Pontevedra
Colleen M

A friend and I walked the Camino. We had some difficulty finding it but it was our fault as we did not read our map carefully enough. We had a great room with a good view! We loved Miguel! He helped us get our laundry done and was an all around wonderful person! He has done many portions of the Camino by bicycle and knows the needs of a pilgrim! We loved this place!

Albergue O Recuncho do Peregrino - Redondela, Pontevedra
An Ker

A lot of space, great house and very clean. The staff is amazing. I was 2 hours too early and I was invited to wait in the garden. All the people had a single or double room booked and I was alone in the basement where all the other beds are, so the owner gave me a free double room. I can only recommend this place!
The next town is 10 minutes walk away and it's near to the Camino.
